Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Holy Fucking SHIT. (Again)

I forgot to tell you guys (well some of you), I got a job! And it's actually certain now, I go to the induction on friday, then start work on Saturday. Now "was it Bunnings or Miss Mauds?", I hear you asking. Well, as much as I'd like to go all out and say neither (or both). It was Miss Mauds, and so, in true manly Australian fashion, I will be making sandwhiches and omelettes and things, surrounded by many, many women.

No kidding, I am the only guy. Out of a staff of about 20. Good times.

So anyway, yeah, if you're in Carousel, drop by some time and give me a look in. I might not be working though. And even if I was, I'd be in the back, so you might only get a glimpse of me through the steel frame thingo. Still, if you aren't there I'm gonna hunt you down.

Also, I get free coke/other soft drinks.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Holy Fucking SHIT.

No more massive hair for me, that's right, it's gone!

I got me a haircut today, and now it's back down to a size that lets me fit through doorways.

It's fucking wierd.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

It's like internet rape!

Only with less penetration, and slightly less lube. Lodge has been abusin' the trust of membership!

You'll get yours Lodge, oh yes you will.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Fargen Margen Blargen!

FARKEN FARK, im enjoying this!

Friday, January 20, 2006

That's it.

I'm getting sick of this damn photo of me at the ball. It was a bad photo, Everyone has them, it is almost a year old. Jesus, I don't look anything like that. Either way, this bad photo thing, I'm thinking it needs some payback, also in the form of bad photos. This is a little photo I found while scotto was at the ball. He didn't think anyone would see this moment, but some sneaky person there caught it on camera.
And I think we all know how much scotto loves emo's now don't we. See? Even Random John's twin is turning his head in disgust.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It's all rather confusing really.

Anybody know the Goon show? No? Well you should.

Anyway, my life is, well, a bit topsy turvy at the moment, so if you think I need to update more, if you're someone who just really hangs out for my updates, I'm truly sorry.

Why is my life so topsy turvy you ask? Why do I use topsy turvy to describe it? To the latter question, the answer is: Don't question my methods, jerk. To the former question however, well. Because it is.

Many good things are happening, I got my L's, 2 possible jobs lined up. And have just found out I have been accepted into Curtin Uni in the first round offers, to my chosen course. But to counterract all this, I also have a very serious problem with someone very close to me. I won't tell the public though (that's you guys). But it doesn't look to be going away quickly.

Anyway, I'm tired, and haven't had much sleep, So I'll update again when I can.

- (this is where I would put my name if I was a jerk that constantly put his name at the end of everything he wrote, MAN that pisses me off. Stop doing it jerks, we know who you are! The internet tells us!)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Goin' up in the world.

The last couple of days have been mighty good for me. Want to know why? Of course you do. Well, for one, I got my L plates, after 2 years of being elligable to get them, some might say that is nothing special, I could have had my lisence almost a year ago, but this is a big thing for me, it means I got off my ass and did something. And not only that, I also got 2 job offers, one from Miss Mauds, and one from Bunnings. So I have a trial run at MM on Monday, and an interview/training with bunnings on Tuesday. So I'm feeling very pleased with myself right now.

But that's not all. Oh no. My cousin Frankie is over from the UK, staying with us for... I have no idea how long. But yeah, it's awesome. Good times are coming around. I can feel it.