Friday, May 19, 2006

I have this idea, right...

I'll tell you tomorrow though, I'm going to bed now. Here's hoping I remember what it was.

*One edit later.*

Right. What with it being tomorrow now, I'll tell you, as promised.

I was thinking, if I make lots of people contributors, you can all post your thoughts on my blog, and I can edit them, making you call yourself gay. Sounds good? I don't think I'll do it though, I don't really like the fact that people can post on my blog, unless I know you're not gonna be all "This is a picture of a gay guy and I am in love with Kyla LOL", like we had happen last time. Not mentioning any names. But if you all cry out for it, I might consider it. It's just an idea, mind you.

Your friendly neighbourhood Admin-like-person.

So in light of all this hubbub from Luke, also known as Wizz, I've decided to post, and bring an end to his reign of drug induced terror over my blog. Also, let it be known, I did edit his posts slightly in childish rage after he posted 6 odd times, 3 of which were the same post. So they weren't always like that. Not that you really needed me to tell you that did you. Did you?

Ooh hey, I got my movie tickets the other day, they're sitting on my desk in front of me, $8.50 I paid for them, and I bought 6. So that means when I next go to the movies, I'll just get my friends to give me $10... Uhh, $8.50, and then give them a ticket in return, therefore saving us all money. Thanks to Simon and his wonderful generosity.

Also, you're so seedy Lodge.

Did I tell you all? I don't know if I did, but yesterday (this has nothing to do with Lodge, by the way) I woke up to a distinct lack of internet. Of course, what with the router being in Tim's room, I couldn't do anything about it, and went to work. Long story short, Tim fucked up the router in his sleep, and then had to go fix it.

And now our replacement - for two weeks - router has conked out for a bit. Wooo. Goddamnit Tim. Stop downloading! I'm bored and I want to browse the internet and edit Lukes posts!

My pocketwatch is ticking at me.