Whoops I forgot a title
Things that have been on my mind recently-
It's important I write some of this stuff down that goes through my head, mostly because I find myself quite funny, and since I'm usually right, you probably will too.
Anyway, people been badgerin' me for an update lately, and by people I mean probably 2? And by lately I mean over the last year. Then again, it's been a fuck of a time between my last update and this, so its long overdue without doubt. No Doubt? Were they good? I don't think so, although I can't remember who knows!
It's recently come to my attention that I am pretty great at cooking, but also not very original! Find something that works, stick with it! I assume that's pretty much the same way everyone is with food, except for those special folks who decide to branch out. Then you branch and find a winner, then you stick with it. Learn from your mistakes, etc. It's how life works! A pretty redundant paragraph? Yeah. That's something I find somewhat annoying, despite it being very much a part of the way society works. Redundant statements, casual conversation, it's all so unnecessary, but I suppose that in itself is pretty redundant? Why bother saying redundant statements are redundant? Well, I guess that's my point, people just talk (or write) all kinds of things. A great thing about swimming pools is the quiet when you're under the water. This may be confined to personal swimming pools, and is pretty dependent on how long you can hold your breath, but it's nice and quiet. The constant noise nowadays is everywhere, music playing, people talking, machines humming. It's surprising to find how quiet life can be, maybe I should move to the country? Or to Atlantis? I hear they have a Stargate down there.
Anyway I was talking about something, food! Yep, give it a try sometime.
I won't delve too much into the university side of my life right now, but it's pretty hectic, what with it being my final units and such. I'd love to blame my lack of writing on uni work, but I'm just plain slack. Procrastination, who doesn't do it these days! I dare say it's in. In the bathroom taking a shit, just to get away from study. Maybe if we just do away with all conversation? Sorry getting back onto that point again, I reckon it'd be great. Learn to read people better, it'd be too much effort to communicate inconsequential things, so we'd have meaningful, short conversations instead, make communicating efficient. Obviously women would have the hardest time, but they'd learn to do it. Maybe just for like a month, no talk month. Man we'd fucking collapse.
Do you ever just close your eyes and navigate around the place as best you can? It's really hard not to open your eyes, but worth it in satisfaction if you get to your goal without fucking anything up, or stubbing a toe or something. Once, I went from my room to the kitchen, poured a glass of milk, then took it all the way back to my room without spilling it, with my eyes closed. Not that great a feat really. In fact it's pretty paltry (Let's not get into what blind people have to go through every day), but it's good fun, I recommend you give it a try sometime. Also what is with lights these days? Nothing better than turning off all the lights and doing what you would have done by light, by moonlight. Obviously I'm not talking about things you need light for, like reading a book, or finding your penis or something. Just regular things like cleaning your teeth or having a shower or whatever! It's really nice and relaxing. Once again, give it a try sometime.
Some people have called me self centered in my lifetime, me, ME. MEEEEEEE. And I dig that (actually maybe it was arrogant? Who cares I was just inventing a story to segway into something I wanted to talk about. Me.). However, if the world was as self centered as I am, it'd be a lot less self centered than it is now. Let me explain. I'm talking about a different kind of self centering, one that doesn't make me look as bad, but which is an ethos I work by. While I don't give as much as others, I also don't take, and I rarely ask. I don't mind - even prefer - to do things myself. Everyday things such as make a cup of tea, or whatever. Now you may think, that's fine, nothing wrong with that, maybe you could have some trust in other people but that's fine (Watch yourself, mouth), but it works both ways, and this is why, and I can see why, I am a bit of a bastard. While I like to do it myself, I also like others to do it themselves. This isn't a "do it yourself why would I do something for you", it's a "let's stop relying on other people" view.
I know its just common courtesy for us to be nice to other people, offer help, and just generally do things for others, but I don't want to be offered all the time. The work has to be done, so why doesn't the person who wants it done do it? This is a pretty selfish stance and I understand that. I also understand that society needs a strong pillar of selflessness to work, and it's lacking in many societies today. This is not to say I'd refuse someone if they asked for something, it's just something that is on my mind right now. Perhaps it's because I've been brought up in a household, where my mother is constantly offering things, to the point where I have now grown into a mindset of being actually quite annoyed by someone offering me a cup of tea, or listing options of things to eat. Here's a tip, don't list it all off, I'll just open the fridge and have a look?
Do you think you'd kill yourself if you lost all your limbs? Old conundrum, but a nice little serious question. I think I would. But you never know how you'd react in any situation until you get there. It's always good to dream that you'd do the heroic, and best thing. Likely hood is you'll probably just get it wrong in the moment, and then berate yourself silently for the rest of your life, possibly leading to weight gain, slight depression and a loss of confidence in your abilities. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Stop worrying about it, it's inconsequential. You can't change it, are you Doctor Who? Ignore that if you are, you can change it. To the rest of you, no you aren't, so just get on with it, dream about how you'll react NEXT time. Actually if you were some kind of mutant you could as well, or a superhero or something like that. Yep, but let's face it that isn't you. Or me! But I'd like to be! Who wouldn't! I'd probably work for the military, they'd give the best price I think. Or just steal lots and live out life quietly in some forest.
Man I love it when I just forget to update a draft, and like a month passes. CONTINUITY. Couple of things since I last put pen to keyboard then cleaned it and tried again with my fingers. Came up with a nice middle eastern cop show name, "Hummuside". And as I have a nice belief that original ideas are few and far between, I quickly googled it to see how many people have come up with the idea before me, and low and behold, lots! Yep but I came up with it first mate yep bang. There's a couple of ways to look at it, like there are no original ideas ever, which of course must be wrong, but I still like the desperate pessimism it conveys.
Video gamez - Been playing a few recently, mainly being Dragon age Origins, it's a pretty damned good game. I actually just finished it not an hour ago, played a good guy, and was actually so interested by the possible evil storylines that I am quite looking forward to playing the game again as a badass. I'd recommend it if you LIKE VIDJA GAMEZ. YOU LIKE VIDJA GAMES!? BETYA DO.
So gift vouchers, don't like 'em! They have the same value as money, but you can only use this money in one place, and it's not even redeemable for cash. It's like "You have vague likes and dislikes, is one of them CD's!?" NO GIMME THE MONEY. I WILL SPEND IT ON DRUGS.
ALSO, while I am on the whine-train. Voicemail, fuck your voicemail! I'll just call you back! I don't leave them and I don't listen to 'em. Also this reminds of something that I will find on the internet - FOUND IT. @shitmydadsays. Anyway I can't be entirely bothered writing more about anything at the moment, I've not pee'd since I got up, so I am going to drink some water, I think a lakes worth should do it. Small lake though, like a lake in a cup.
It's important I write some of this stuff down that goes through my head, mostly because I find myself quite funny, and since I'm usually right, you probably will too.
Anyway, people been badgerin' me for an update lately, and by people I mean probably 2? And by lately I mean over the last year. Then again, it's been a fuck of a time between my last update and this, so its long overdue without doubt. No Doubt? Were they good? I don't think so, although I can't remember who knows!
It's recently come to my attention that I am pretty great at cooking, but also not very original! Find something that works, stick with it! I assume that's pretty much the same way everyone is with food, except for those special folks who decide to branch out. Then you branch and find a winner, then you stick with it. Learn from your mistakes, etc. It's how life works! A pretty redundant paragraph? Yeah. That's something I find somewhat annoying, despite it being very much a part of the way society works. Redundant statements, casual conversation, it's all so unnecessary, but I suppose that in itself is pretty redundant? Why bother saying redundant statements are redundant? Well, I guess that's my point, people just talk (or write) all kinds of things. A great thing about swimming pools is the quiet when you're under the water. This may be confined to personal swimming pools, and is pretty dependent on how long you can hold your breath, but it's nice and quiet. The constant noise nowadays is everywhere, music playing, people talking, machines humming. It's surprising to find how quiet life can be, maybe I should move to the country? Or to Atlantis? I hear they have a Stargate down there.
Anyway I was talking about something, food! Yep, give it a try sometime.
I won't delve too much into the university side of my life right now, but it's pretty hectic, what with it being my final units and such. I'd love to blame my lack of writing on uni work, but I'm just plain slack. Procrastination, who doesn't do it these days! I dare say it's in. In the bathroom taking a shit, just to get away from study. Maybe if we just do away with all conversation? Sorry getting back onto that point again, I reckon it'd be great. Learn to read people better, it'd be too much effort to communicate inconsequential things, so we'd have meaningful, short conversations instead, make communicating efficient. Obviously women would have the hardest time, but they'd learn to do it. Maybe just for like a month, no talk month. Man we'd fucking collapse.
Do you ever just close your eyes and navigate around the place as best you can? It's really hard not to open your eyes, but worth it in satisfaction if you get to your goal without fucking anything up, or stubbing a toe or something. Once, I went from my room to the kitchen, poured a glass of milk, then took it all the way back to my room without spilling it, with my eyes closed. Not that great a feat really. In fact it's pretty paltry (Let's not get into what blind people have to go through every day), but it's good fun, I recommend you give it a try sometime. Also what is with lights these days? Nothing better than turning off all the lights and doing what you would have done by light, by moonlight. Obviously I'm not talking about things you need light for, like reading a book, or finding your penis or something. Just regular things like cleaning your teeth or having a shower or whatever! It's really nice and relaxing. Once again, give it a try sometime.
Some people have called me self centered in my lifetime, me, ME. MEEEEEEE. And I dig that (actually maybe it was arrogant? Who cares I was just inventing a story to segway into something I wanted to talk about. Me.). However, if the world was as self centered as I am, it'd be a lot less self centered than it is now. Let me explain. I'm talking about a different kind of self centering, one that doesn't make me look as bad, but which is an ethos I work by. While I don't give as much as others, I also don't take, and I rarely ask. I don't mind - even prefer - to do things myself. Everyday things such as make a cup of tea, or whatever. Now you may think, that's fine, nothing wrong with that, maybe you could have some trust in other people but that's fine (Watch yourself, mouth), but it works both ways, and this is why, and I can see why, I am a bit of a bastard. While I like to do it myself, I also like others to do it themselves. This isn't a "do it yourself why would I do something for you", it's a "let's stop relying on other people" view.
I know its just common courtesy for us to be nice to other people, offer help, and just generally do things for others, but I don't want to be offered all the time. The work has to be done, so why doesn't the person who wants it done do it? This is a pretty selfish stance and I understand that. I also understand that society needs a strong pillar of selflessness to work, and it's lacking in many societies today. This is not to say I'd refuse someone if they asked for something, it's just something that is on my mind right now. Perhaps it's because I've been brought up in a household, where my mother is constantly offering things, to the point where I have now grown into a mindset of being actually quite annoyed by someone offering me a cup of tea, or listing options of things to eat. Here's a tip, don't list it all off, I'll just open the fridge and have a look?
Do you think you'd kill yourself if you lost all your limbs? Old conundrum, but a nice little serious question. I think I would. But you never know how you'd react in any situation until you get there. It's always good to dream that you'd do the heroic, and best thing. Likely hood is you'll probably just get it wrong in the moment, and then berate yourself silently for the rest of your life, possibly leading to weight gain, slight depression and a loss of confidence in your abilities. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Stop worrying about it, it's inconsequential. You can't change it, are you Doctor Who? Ignore that if you are, you can change it. To the rest of you, no you aren't, so just get on with it, dream about how you'll react NEXT time. Actually if you were some kind of mutant you could as well, or a superhero or something like that. Yep, but let's face it that isn't you. Or me! But I'd like to be! Who wouldn't! I'd probably work for the military, they'd give the best price I think. Or just steal lots and live out life quietly in some forest.
Man I love it when I just forget to update a draft, and like a month passes. CONTINUITY. Couple of things since I last put pen to keyboard then cleaned it and tried again with my fingers. Came up with a nice middle eastern cop show name, "Hummuside". And as I have a nice belief that original ideas are few and far between, I quickly googled it to see how many people have come up with the idea before me, and low and behold, lots! Yep but I came up with it first mate yep bang. There's a couple of ways to look at it, like there are no original ideas ever, which of course must be wrong, but I still like the desperate pessimism it conveys.
Video gamez - Been playing a few recently, mainly being Dragon age Origins, it's a pretty damned good game. I actually just finished it not an hour ago, played a good guy, and was actually so interested by the possible evil storylines that I am quite looking forward to playing the game again as a badass. I'd recommend it if you LIKE VIDJA GAMEZ. YOU LIKE VIDJA GAMES!? BETYA DO.
So gift vouchers, don't like 'em! They have the same value as money, but you can only use this money in one place, and it's not even redeemable for cash. It's like "You have vague likes and dislikes, is one of them CD's!?" NO GIMME THE MONEY. I WILL SPEND IT ON DRUGS.
ALSO, while I am on the whine-train. Voicemail, fuck your voicemail! I'll just call you back! I don't leave them and I don't listen to 'em. Also this reminds of something that I will find on the internet - FOUND IT. @shitmydadsays. Anyway I can't be entirely bothered writing more about anything at the moment, I've not pee'd since I got up, so I am going to drink some water, I think a lakes worth should do it. Small lake though, like a lake in a cup.
I like voice mails so I DON'T have to call the person back. Did you think of that?
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hi dudes. I'm actually into shoes and I was searching for that exact make. The prices as regards the shoes are around 240 pounds on every site. But definitively I base this locate selling them for half price. I in reality want these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely purchase them. what can you say about it?
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